7 Tips to Hiring the right App Developer for your Idea

App developer

Finding the right App developer for an mobile app development service for your app idea is important. It can make or break your project, and you want to make sure that you hire the right person for the job. There are many things to consider when hiring an mobile app development service from their experience level and portfolio to references, it’s important to do your research before making any decisions. In this post I’ll share some tips on how to find the right mobile app development service for your project:

For the right App Developer, Know your vision.

If you want to hire a mobile app development company, it’s important that you know what your vision is. You need to know exactly what the problem is that you are trying to solve, who the target audience is and where they live (or will be living), as well as their budget and any other constraints on your project.

Reach out to the right people.

If you want to find a good mobile app development company, the first thing you should do is reach out to those who have the right experience. This means making sure that they are experienced in developing apps and games for iOS, Android, Windows Phone and even Blackberry. You can also ask them if they have ever worked on a game before because this will give them an idea of what kind of ideas you have in mind for your app or game.

The next thing you should consider when reaching out to a mobile app development company is finding people who are interested in your project. It’s important that these developers know what they’re getting into because they need time off work too!

If possible try contacting local developers as well because they may be able do more work than someone from far away since distance doesn’t matter when it comes down working together closely together over long periods of time (e-mailing back and forth). You should also ask whether or not any other clients have used their services before so there’s no question about whether or not this person has done similar projects before – otherwise why would anyone hire them?

Get your prototype ready.

Once you have a good idea of what your app should look like, it’s time to get your prototype ready. A prototype is simply a model of your application that can be used to test and demonstrate functionality, user experience and design elements.

It should be as close to the final product as possible; for example if you want people to be able to sign in with their Google account then this feature needs to work seamlessly in order for users to use it properly.

See their portfolio.

The next thing you can do is look at their portfolio. This will give you an idea of what kind of work the developer has done in the past and what their experience is like, so that you can decide whether or not they’re right for your project.

  • Look for a portfolio that shows their work. You’ll want to see examples of different types of apps built by this person; if it’s all just one app with no real variety, then chances are good that this person may not be able to build something as complex as yours. Make sure there are many examples with different types of technologies used (e.g., HTML5/JS/CSS3), with varying levels of complexity—for example: simple vs complex features; small screens vs large screens; single-page apps vs multi-page apps; user interface design patterns used in each case… etc..

Gauge their experience level.

This is one of the most important things to consider when hiring a App developer. Ask them to describe their past projects and ask if they’ve worked on similar apps before. If you find that the candidate has done a lot of apps and is really good at them, this will give you confidence in their abilities as well as help you determine how long it’ll take for your startup idea to be built out into an actual product (if there are any bugs or other issues).

Evaluate the team.

  • Look for the right team size. The best app developers have a large number of people on their side, so you should look for teams that have more than one person per project (if you’re working with one individual developer and a small team). This way, you can ensure that everyone is working in sync with each other and will be able to get your app done well in time.
  • Look for the right skill set: There are certain skills that all good developers should have—for example, HTML5/CSS3 knowledge and JavaScript experience are must-haves! The key thing to remember here is that while these may seem like basic requirements when it comes to hiring a developer or programmer (or any other type of employee), some people might not have these particular skills yet – this means they shouldn’t be considered by default as candidates who can deliver quality work without further training beforehand

Ask for references.

When you are looking to hire a app developer or companies that design apps, the first thing that you should do is ask them for references.

I know it seems silly but it’s important! You want to ask for some names of previous clients who they have worked with and what their experience was like. Maybe even get one or two project descriptions from them so that you can get an idea of what kind of work this person does best. This will help narrow down your search, as well as give yourself peace of mind knowing that there is at least one other person out there who has used this individual before!

The right hire can make all the difference on a development project

Hiring the right app developer or companies that design apps is crucial to ensure that your app development project goes smoothly and without problems. In order to find the right hire, you should keep these tips in mind:

  • Make sure that they have the experience and knowledge needed for your project. Don’t forget about their past projects! If they’ve worked on projects similar to yours before, this will help guide you toward finding someone who can do it again.
  • Ask them questions about how they would approach this type of project and what kind of resources would be required from both sides (you as a company owner/manager). This will give insight into whether or not this person is suited for what you’re looking for!


With these tips, hiring a developer or companies that design apps is an easier and more informed process. You may still need to do some research on your own to make sure that you are hiring the best person for the job, but this list will give you a starting point for finding potential candidates. However, if you still haven’t found what you have been looking for then we suggest getting in touch with one of our experts here at Seven Dot Labs. We have a dedicated team of app developers who come with a decade of experience completed with polished skills and the will to complete any project no matter how complicated it may tend to be!
