How To Make A Mobile Application: A Guide For The First Time Entrepreneur

If you’re a first-time entrepreneur, you’ve probably heard of apps. But what is an Mobile Application? It’s a software application that runs on mobile devices and allows users to accomplish specific tasks within their lives. Apps are the new way to do business, and they’re growing exponentially in popularity every year. To keep up with the demand for applications, there has never been more need for people who can create them—that’s where we come in!

The statistics of the mobile application industry

The mobile application industry is growing rapidly. For example, in 2018 alone, there were over 2 million new applications uploaded to the app store every day! That’s an average of 25 new apps per minute!

Moreover, over 90% of business owners are using mobile apps to run their business – and they’re using them in all sorts of ways: sales leads, customer support services and more. That’s why I think it’s so important for first time entrepreneurs who want their company’s first product (or even just one) made into an app!

If you’re interested in learning more about this topic then keep reading below where we’ll cover what makes an effective mobile application development process:

How to Get An App Idea

The first step to making an Mobile Application is to come up with a good idea. If you don’t have one, then it’s time to get creative!

When brainstorming ideas for your app, think about what types of problems your target audience would be facing. For example: “I’m a chef who wants to create new recipes but doesn’t have time because I am constantly busy cooking at home or working in the restaurant kitchen.”

Once you’ve identified what problem your company wants to solve, it’s important that all team members understand their roles and responsibilities so everyone contributes equally towards creating this solution.

How to create an MVP

The MVP is a prototype of your product that you can test with your target market. It should be as simple and basic as possible, allowing you to gather valuable information about what they need, how they feel about it and what they’re interested in.

MVPs are the fastest way to get feedback from your target market. They allow you to assess whether or not people are interested in using your product before developing something more complex—and at this stage, any mistakes will be less expensive than they would be later on!

How to calculate the ROI of your app idea

To calculate the ROI of your app idea, you need to know how much revenue it will generate and what that revenue is worth. In other words, you want to know whether your app will make money or not.

To do this, use the following formula:

  • Revenue = (Number of Premium Users x Price) – (Number of Free Users x Price)
  • Profit = Revenue – Cost Of Goods Sold

How to build an app team and choose tech stack

Before you start building your app, it’s important to know what tech stack and development team are right for your project.

  • Tech Stack: You need a tech stack that allows you to build apps quickly and easily without having to worry about servers or coding. The most popular options include Swift, Java or Objective-C (iOS), PHP (web), Python (web) and C#/.NET Core (Windows 10).
  • Development Team: Choosing the right developer expertise can be challenging if you don’t know where to look or what questions they should ask before hiring someone new into their team. Here are some tips on how best achieve this goal:

Estimate your budget

You will spend between $5,000 and $15,000 on development and design. The size of your budget will depend on how many features you want to build into your app, as well as how much time it takes you to develop them.

You also need to consider how much marketing costs will be involved in getting people interested in using your app. If it’s an eCommerce site or social network with no ads (or very little), then there won’t be any need for paid promotion; however if you are building something more complex like a video newsreader app then maybe some targeted advertising could help bring more users onboard!

If you have a business or a side hustle, you can grow your business through application development.

If you have a business or a side hustle, you can grow your business through application development. Apps are the new way to market and sell products, especially if they’re designed to be used on mobile devices.

Apps help businesses reach more customers by allowing them to expand their customer base in an effective and efficient manner. They also allow businesses to stand out from competitors by offering unique features that make it easier for customers to engage with them on different platforms (phone/tablet/etc.).

Apps can be used as marketing tools because they allow users not only access but also control over what information they share with others – whether that means posting pictures or commenting back on someone else’s post – so long as those posts aren’t private ones like passwords or credit card numbers!


There are so many benefits to building an app. It can be a huge marketing tool, but it also has the potential to grow your business or create new revenue streams. With the right team and budget, you can make an app that will bring in more customers and grow your business at the same time!
