7 Steps to Securing Your App from Cyber Threats

Cyber Threats that Apps Face. How can you avoid and combat them.

Cyber threats face every app and website. The best way to protect your app from cyber threats is by taking action now, before they become a problem. Most of these are managed by the cyber security of any company but what are the things that you can actually do?

1. Get a webhosting service that works in security

If you’re using a webhosting service, make sure it has up-to-date security features. The best way to do this is by asking the webhosting provider if they offer any security services like data encryption and intrusion detection systems. If they do, then ask them what kind of protection those features offer against cyber threats such as viruses, malware and hackers.

If your webhosting service doesn’t have these features built into its system yet, then ask how soon these services will be added into the platform so that you can keep yourself safe from malicious activity on their end as well as yours

2. Protect your data

The first step to securing your app is protecting the data as if you were using microsoft cloud app security. You should use a database that’s secure, encrypted and backed up. A database that is available 24/7 and redundant is also important.

  • Use a database that is secure: This can be done by storing all of your data in an encrypted format or using asymmetric encryption (where one key encrypts for you but both keys are required in order to decrypt). If you’re not sure how much security you need for your application, speak with someone from IT who will be able to help determine what would work best for them based on their organization’s needs. In this case, microsoft cloud app security is the best choice for you.
  • Use a database that’s encrypted: Cryptography plays an important role here because it protects the sensitive information being stored so only authorized users can access it if they have access credentials like passwords or tokens (such as RSA SecurID). It also makes sure no one else besides those authorized users even knows about them – which means there shouldn’t be any chance anyone could get into this stuff without knowing what they’re doing first!

3. Encode your data

Data encryption is the process of translating data into a format that is not human readable. It’s one of the most basic ways to secure your app from cyber threats, and it can be done with a variety of different algorithms. The most popular ones include AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), Blowfish and Twofish.

Encoding can be used in many different ways:

  • To protect sensitive information like credit card numbers or bank account numbers
  • To prevent hackers from stealing your customer’s identity by using stolen passwords

4. Use HTTPS protocol

If you want to keep your data secure, HTTPS is the way to go. It’s a protocol that encrypts data as it travels between two devices, so that even if someone intercepts the information on its way through the internet (like when your computer or smartphone gets hacked), they won’t be able to read it.

HTTPS is available for free from most webhosting services and can be enabled in just a few clicks!

5. Put two-step verification to work

Two-step verification is a way to add an extra layer of security to your account. You can use this tool to confirm that the person accessing your account is who they say they are, and it’s not an imposter. The two steps are:

  • First step—the user has to enter their password and then click a button on a screen that will send a one-time code via text message or email
  • Second step—the user receives another code via text message or email

If you were using microsoft cloud app security or samsung two step verification then this process would have already been shown to you.

6. Mind your passwords

First and foremost, stay away from passwords that you can easily guess. For example, if your password is “123456” then it’s easy for hackers to try their luck with this one. Make sure there are no common words in your username or password (such as “michael”). This will make it harder for hackers to guess what they are trying to get into so they don’t waste time trying every possible combination of letters and numbers until they find something that works.

Another good tip is not using something too simple like 1234567890 or something ridiculous like 1234567891 because these likely contain multiple characters which makes them more difficult for hackers to crack than just having an easy-to-guess password like 1234567890

7. Filter input and output of your application

  • Filter input and output of your application.
  • Use filters to sanitize data.
  • Use filters to secure data.
  • Use filters to protect data.
  • Use filters to validate data, check user input and other types of problems that can arise in applications that handle sensitive information like credit card numbers or Social Security numbers (SSNs).

We can protect our apps from cyber threats.

So what can you do to protect your app? Here are some tips:

  • Use a secure webhosting service. This is the first step in securing your app, and it’s also one of the most important ones. A secure hosting service will encrypt all data sent between your computer and the server via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, ensuring that any information you send over this channel cannot be read by anyone who tries to intercept it—including cyber criminals! If possible, find a provider that offers multi-factor authentication as well, which means they’ll require users entering their password twice before granting access to anything else needed for logging into or out of an account.
  • Protect your data with encryption keys so no one can see what’s inside them without knowing how these keys work together.”


We hope this blog post has enlightened you on how to secure your app from cyber threats. We have covered a lot of topics and if you want more information about the security of your app, do check out our other blogs at Seven Dot!
