Innovation & Insight

Why Your Business Needs An App

Your brand is important. If you don’t have an app in place, then you might be missing out on the opportunity to grow your business and connect with customers in a way that will make their experience with your brand … Read More

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Hybrid Apps: It’s Not as Difficult as You Think

“The world of Hybrid Application Development and why it is the best tool for your business” Hybrid apps are a hot topic in the Hybrid Application Development world. They allow developers to combine features from multiple frameworks into one app, … Read More

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The Next Big Thing with Android App Development in 2022

I’ve been using Kotlin for almost a year, and there’s no doubt that it’s the future of Android app development. It’s a language designed to make your apps easier to write and more maintainable. Using Kotlin makes you more productive … Read More

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Application Development: A Guide to making your first app

Application Development: A Free Guide to Making your First App

( The Costs, the Making, and the Launch) Seven Dot Lab If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have much experience developing apps. You’ve got an idea for an app, but where do you start? The good news is … Read More

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App Development

5 Critical App Development Elements Everyone Needs

For App Development, we need to know that every app is different, but there are some elements that are common in all successful apps. This blog will cover 5 critical elements that everyone needs to have in their app: Finance … Read More

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App Development, who does what?

The Multiple Dynamics of Front-End & Backend Development. Introduction If you’re not familiar with app development, it’s probably because you’ve never needed one. Maybe you’ve been busy working on your next game or website and don’t need an app for … Read More

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7 Steps to Securing Your App from Cyber Threats

Cyber Threats that Apps Face. How can you avoid and combat them. Cyber threats face every app and website. The best way to protect your app from cyber threats is by taking action now, before they become a problem. Most … Read More

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App developer

7 Tips to Hiring the right App Developer for your Idea

Finding the right App developer for an mobile app development service for your app idea is important. It can make or break your project, and you want to make sure that you hire the right person for the job. There … Read More

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How To Make A Mobile Application: A Guide For The First Time Entrepreneur

If you’re a first-time entrepreneur, you’ve probably heard of apps. But what is an Mobile Application? It’s a software application that runs on mobile devices and allows users to accomplish specific tasks within their lives. Apps are the new way … Read More

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iOS App Development: the next step in developmental programs

iOS App Development: The next great thing in App Development

As the number of apps keeps increasing with iOS App Development, it becomes quite difficult to keep track of all those apps. However, if you are an iOS developer or want to become one or even want services from a … Read More

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